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Old 07-21-2010, 09:04 PM
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Originally Posted by burgerchow View Post
what I mean is that short of being caught by man or eaten by bigger animals, biologically, they should live for hundreds of years. Think about it, they don't even mature and are able to reproduce until they're in their teens. Basically Cancer is natures way of strengthening the species, allowing only the strong to survive. Most animals are susceptible to cancers, except sharks. That's why they're being hunted almost to extinction, cause man wants their cartilege and fins, because we believe it will make us healthier.
Can you please enlighten my curious mind by amusing me and answering the following questions:

Humans don't mature or reproduce until our teens (At least I would hope ), so if the human race was impervious to cancer would we all live for ever?

If cancer is natures way of strengthening a species then why do perfectly healthy people die of it daily?

Businesses that sell shark cartilage as a cancer cure or preventive have claimed for years that sharks never get cancer. But scientists from Johns Hopkins University in Maryland and George Washington University in Washington, DC, have presented a detailed history of benign and malignant tumors found in sharks and related fishes. 2000 Charles W. Henderson
Do you personally believe it makes you healthier?

Will eating Donkey or Rat Penis make me more fertile?
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