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Old 07-21-2010, 05:23 PM
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Originally Posted by SAMSHUNG View Post
I've always been discouraged from keeping crabs however I find my cleaner shrimp far more sinister than my crabs. I've got one porcelain crab and a Xanthid crab tunneling in my LR which I can't catch because it's always hiding. I think it's fearful for it's life after the cleaner shrimp ate 3 of my 5 hermit crabs. I witnessed it too. Pulled it straight outta it's shell and began devouring it alive. Also they never permit me to feed my LPS especially my beloved Dendros without me having to intervene by preventing them looting the Dendros meals. So far if there's been any tank addition that I've regretted it's been the cleaner shrimp and not the crabs. Just my experience.

I hear ya. Shrimps can be a PITA as well. When you feed your LPS try putting one of those plastic containers that strawberries come in over the LPS.
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