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Old 07-18-2010, 06:40 AM
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Charlie_Tuna Charlie_Tuna is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Blackfalds, Canada
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Default Tank Leveling Advice.........Please.

My basement floor is a concrete slab.

Naturally, the location that I have chosen for my 180-gallon tank is out of level 3/4" from left to right over the 6' span.

In trying to determine the best method to get my stand (1.5 square steel tubing) level, I have narrowed my choices to 2.

Option 1 - Rip down dimensional lumber (2"x4") to support/offset the entire length of the "gap". Shim would be cut very slightly higher to account for compression once the tank is full.

Option 2 - Install these (,40993,41283). I am thinking that rather than use screws I would have them "tack" welded in place. I would place 1 at each corner and 1 (front and back) at the center support.

Please give me your thoughts. Which would you choose? Why?

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Last edited by Charlie_Tuna; 07-18-2010 at 06:42 AM.
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