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Old 11-22-2003, 12:45 AM
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Beverly Beverly is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: North Edmonton
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Beverly is on a distinguished road

Jim, my tanks are full of corals, but none that I want to frag at the moment. The 42g reef is stuffed to the brim. The 72g reef has a number of relatively new softies and they're bound to outgrow the tank with the PCs on them. The 28 gal seahorse tank doesn't have any corals at all. Man, where am I going to put anything

I might bring some red macroalgae and some sort of caulerpa that I don't know the names of. The red MA is sort of like sargassum and is beautiful and slippery feeling. The caulerpa is from my SH tank and grows well, sort of in mounds, and is easy to control.

Here's my 72:

Here's my 42 with the red MA:

And here's my 28 SH tank with the caulerpa:

Anybody want any of this MA?

Beverly's 10g Nano YouTube Channel
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