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Old 07-17-2010, 09:06 PM
OceanicCorals-Ian- OceanicCorals-Ian- is offline
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Default SWC VS Bubble Magus!!

The BM skimmers do work well for the price, I have never said they didn't. If anyone were to ask me what I thought about them I would tell them the same thing now as I would have before taking on SWC. The difference now is I have now seen the build quality side by side, researched the reviews and I have been schooled by the manufactuerer on the benefits of SWC vs BM all of which I have confirmed by looking at the overall reviews. This thread has also been open for those that have run both brands or just one to voice their opinion either way. To do an actual in tank head to head is very difficult as it would have to be done in such a way that both tanks had exactly the same chemistry and bioload, this would be very difficult to do an would be open to so much debate.

No matter what tests we did everyone is still going to have their opinion on what is better, for your next skimmer you will just have to go with whatever one feels like the right choice for you.. Do your research, listen to what people have to say about each brand and take it from there.

Choice is good, we will continue selling both brands as well as others not mentioned here, I too look for barains and "bang" for the buck; however, sometimes a few extra dollars are worth it.

Sorry to dissapoint we can't have a BM / SWC cage battle.