Originally Posted by Snaz
I love a good build thread and this one is great. Have put any thought yet into livestock?
Here are the fish in no particular order:
Bartletts Anthias
Yellow Spotted Anthias
Bicolor Psudochromis
Diadema/Purpleback Pseudochromis
Neon Dottyback
Orchid Dottyback
Flame Cardinal
Bangaii Cardinal
Spotted Cardinal
Ochre Striped Cardinal
Sankeyi Dottyback
Australian Black Percula Clownfish
False Percula Clownfish
Sunshine Chromis
Blue Mandarin
Target Mandarin
Flaming Prawn Goby
Orange Firefish Goby
Purple Firefish Goby
Yellow Clown Goby
Long Nose Hawk
Geometric Pygmy Hawk
Blue Hippo Tang
Hawiian Yellow Tang
Six Line Wrasse
Flasher Wrasse
I know this is a long list... This is my long, short-list... I will probably not be getting all of these.