Thread: 2 Achilles?
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Old 07-16-2010, 02:11 PM
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Red Fish Blue Fish Red Fish Blue Fish is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Peterborough, Ontario
Posts: 6
Red Fish Blue Fish is on a distinguished road

I had a customer that kept multiple powder blue tangs in together and they "danced" through the water. I never recommend keep 2 of the same tangs in together..just my opinion. Achilles I never bring into my store because the have a low survivability rate and most people dont understand the dynamics of keeping achilles.

Regardless this guy bought 12 quarter sized powders and kept them in a 215 old oceanic tank for quarantine. I worked out a deal with him through my store at the time and when one wasnt getting along with the other he brought it back to me. Eventually after a while he was down to 2 powder blue tangs and a powder brown tang that he then acclimated into his 600 gallon tank.

It was amazing to see them "dance" through the water. I only did it for this customer because of his expertise and availability of having several tanks over 215 gallons.
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