Having known Chris (Tangdaddy) for so long hes not out to rip anyone off, and im sure those that have dealt with him can vouch for him as well. I think the problem with this deal was the initial statement of 100+ polyps. Now with a statement like that anyone would expect 100+ and with only 65 or so polyps arriving anyone would be a ticked off. The reason anyone "bit the hook" for this deal was because if you added up all the polyps to cost ratio it was not just a good deal but an AWESOME deal.
I hope you guys can figure this out without too much hassel. Coming from a legal perspective if this was brought to court...im afraid your case is not very good, having advertized 100+ polyps with only 65 arriving is considered fraud on your end

. This is of course if you didnt offer him compensation which you did so its a pretty tough situation to be in, being out your item and the money your promised is never a good place to stand. Dont get me wrong im not trying to say you did it intentionally just trying to see this from a legal perspective