Ya so its Fair right guys i did everything right by shipping it being just a person some guy with a ****ing tank sold his coral and he gets the item, There was no guarentee between us he saw the pic i picked the ****ing thing up put it in the bag and shipped right away!. NOW! i have no ****ing money or no coral at all! What kind of Bullshit is that. Like you said its gonna be HE SAID and HE SAID AND............ Now been so long who ****ing knows what happened alse i know is i have NOTHING!
So im going to the RCMP in the morning to talk to my friend about the fraud/theft case. Then if this doesn't work im getting on my Bike and im gonna go up there and break his legs.
I don't even want to come back to this site over this crap i have no answers but im getting real ****in ****ed off right now. Just so u guys know there STILL!! is no PM response..... Im done!
Last edited by Steve-O-; 07-16-2010 at 06:59 AM.