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Old 07-16-2010, 01:33 AM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Sherwood Park
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intarsiabox is on a distinguished road

If you're worried about overflows in the sump you can always get a PVC check valve for your return line. This will prevent any back flows in the event of a power outage or just turning off the pump. Of course you can just measure how much water could siphon back into your sump and just make sure you have enough space in the sump to accomodate. BTW L"xW"xH"/231=gallons. I don't run a canister filter but I do use an Aquaclear filter with a sponge, carbon and Chemipur Elite in it. I wash out the sponge every week and it takes out a lot of particulates that the skimmer and LR don't take care of. I have no nitrates or any nuisance algae but I also have way too much live rock in the tank as well and have never missed a water change. A canister is more work to clean and if not cleaned very often nitrates can build up from the captured organic material as it is still in the water column until removed manually. Reactors may also be something to look at for carbon, etc.
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