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Old 07-16-2010, 12:37 AM
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BCBigWolf & Pack BCBigWolf & Pack is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Mission BC
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Default Emergency Coral sale $10.00 and up

Hi People,

Well a lot of you know no_bs (Corals located in Mission) and the amount of corals and frags he had. Well he has split and abandoned the tanks. Brenda and I are trying to keep them up till she can get all the corals, fish and rock sold. There are hammers, torches, frogspawn, zoas, sun corals, blastos, brains, mushrooms, rics, candy cane, favias, acans plus I've probably missed a few. This just happened so corals are not affected yet and still happy. He broke her computer so I'm watching the forum for her. Her name is Brenda and you can reach her at 604-820-1595.
BCBigWolf & Pack
Partially disabled with family and a Newbie to the Dark Side
15 gal Starter
60 gal in progress
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