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Old 07-14-2010, 09:09 PM
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delo978 delo978 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Comox
Posts: 62
delo978 is on a distinguished road

The setup and maintenace I do is as follows. Shut the pumps off use a turkey baster and blast the sand and LR so you get lots of floating debry then siphon water from the DT. Next is turn on the pumps and add the new water to your sump slowly not to overflow your sump. If you dose do it in the sump (chamber 3) at 10 min intervals to allow for different chemicals to get filtered through. As far as the sump build goes this is my setup, chamber 1 has a drilled tupperware cup with my chemical filtration baggies (carbon,purigen) to force the water through, my thermometer, and my Skimmer. Chamber 2 is my refugium and chamber 3 is my return pump. as for mesurments maybe I fluked out but my first baffle (chamber1) is from the top and I have a 1inch space from the bottom. Baffle 2 has 3/4inch space from the first one has a 2inche space from the top of the tank, and Baffle 3 HAS TO BE at least 1/2 inch shorter than baffle 2 for good flow. I think mine was 9 inches (B2) and 8 inch (B3) this was for a 10gallon sump. I place fliterfloss in between baffles 1 and 2 to prevent micro bubbles and all runs smoothly.

This may not be how everyone builds there sump but it works well and took me a day to build.

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