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Old 07-11-2010, 06:33 PM
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kien kien is offline
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Location: Calgary, AB
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kien will become famous soon enoughkien will become famous soon enough

If you google "Fresh Water Dip" or Fresh Water Bath" you'll find lots of examples and explanations on how to go about doing it. The gist of it is this.

Make up a bath of RO/DI or at least de-chlorinated water and bring that bath up to the exact same temperature and pH as your display tank water. Once you have achieved this, place your fish in a colander and lower it into the bath. Observe the fish carefully for signs of severe stress like convulsions. If the fish is in severe stress take it out immediately and abort. Opinions vary, but I like to bath the for 4-5 minutes. I also like to aerate the bath water with a bubble/air stone so that oxygen doesn't deplete to critical levels.

Hope that helps and good look. Got pictures yet?
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