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Old 07-11-2010, 05:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Megalodon View Post
I wonder about that bio-ball theory. Some claim to have struck a balance by re-indroducing bio-balls (or other nitrate factories), which increases macro algae growth, or, skimmate with carbon source/bio pellets, and results in almost no phosphates or nitrates. It would save a lot of money on GFO if true.

Not entirely sure what has happened? The day 2 test using 24/7 compact fluorescent lighting showed an increase in the level of nitrate.

I may have botched the last series of test and the results somewhere are not correct, or there is some nitrate being released back into the system with 24hr lighting. I guess that is why many test are required before coming to a conclusion, which is why I'll not make any regarding 24hr lighting at the moment....more to come.

Regardless, I think I can say that Algal tests were positive overall and I will continue to use on my 75gallon. I've started continuous flow between the scrubber and DT using the MJ400 and will monitor growth and system nitrate in coming weeks.

Keep in mind that the tank has no other means of export at the moment in the form of a skimmer or water changes and there are no plans currently to start.


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