Thread: Ever get bored?
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Old 07-10-2010, 05:21 PM
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy View Post
nope not you at all. after what 7 years of running my 90, I decied I would do a custome tanks and tor it down sold everything and then because I was going to move put the new tank on hold. now almost 2 years later I think back at it and I was board for the last 3 years of running the tank.

I have no regreat to shutting it down and if I am being quite honest I don't think at this point that I have any desire to set up the new tank. I don't miss the maintanence, the worry if you go away, the pain in the ass events when something goes wrong or the money throwen down the drain so to speek to run it.

and honestly when I do set up a new tank I am leaning towards a planted fresh water tank again.

Steve, I was in the same boat. Shut down all of my tanks and sold everything. Didn't have a tank for about 4 1/2 years. Finally last year I set up the tank. I don't regret it one bit. I really really like my aquarium now. I set it up so it's pretty low maintenance. It's just that I can't really add stuff anymore so it's just a slow waiting game to see which corals I'll let grow out and which corals I'll keep hacking to allow the others to grow. I think it's just cause it's summer. I'm sure if you set up again you won't regret it and learn from all of the other mistakes you made in the past. Still, almost one year later from my current tank build, I wouldn't really change anything except that I would've started with a brand new custom tank instead of a used scratched one. I'm sure you'll be back Steve
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