Thread: Ever get bored?
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Old 07-10-2010, 01:45 PM
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Hey Dez I know a few people who would have no problem visiting you and "helping" you cut frags You know....just for the overall health of your corals and all

Honestly I do sort of get bored, but when I got bored of the 60g I added a 15g when I got bored of those I added a 30g and a 120g, when I got bored of those I added a 230g reef, when I got bored of my reef tank I added a 230g FOWLR. Then just recently I got bored of the 230g fowlr so I added a 20g sps cube. Now I got so many sps frags in the 20g cube I'm thinking of upgrading it to a larger 80g (ish) cube. Needless to say at this rate I'll have more tanks then living space Good thing I have a large house
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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