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Old 07-10-2010, 12:43 AM
Greenmaster Greenmaster is offline
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Location: Courtenay, BC Canada
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Originally Posted by Lance View Post
Thanks for the compliments.
As for the Chromis: They are Damselfish and like other damsels they tend to not play well. The more dominant individuals pick on the weaker ones until you're down to a few. My twelve went down to five in about 7 months. The remaining five squabble a little but that's about it. An interesting thing: Once the school got down to five, they began spawning like clock work. I'm thinking the school is down to a harem-like group and that's why the aggressiveness is gone.
That makes me rethink the group I want to get... I was thinking of getting 20 of them... but if they are just going to rip each other to shreds... oh well
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