I've spend a considerable amount of time inside of the tank staging my rockwork and planning for how my coral will grow in but that is about as thought out as it gets. The rest of my system is the result of endless fiddling and bandaid solutions... which works. But I'm not overly proud of it.
Over the last month I tried out a Prodibio Biokit
http://www.prodibio.fr/index.php?fil...eau_id=2&id=14 complements of Progressive Reef. I didn't follow the instructions to the word because I have a fairly large system and would have used some of the vials up entirely the very first time I dosed. So instead I just used a row each week for simplicity's sake.
Before dosing I already had undetectable levels of nitrate and phosphate (according to elos kits), good color and growth and I do plenty of trace element replenishing through weekly water changes so I didn't expect to see any improvements. However I was surprised when nearly all of the cyanobacteria in my sandbed cleared up almost immediately. Maybe this was a direct result of supplementing or maybe it was just its time to go as it has typically done so in cycles before. Aside from the cyano I noticed a slight improvement in one acro that had recently recovered after bleaching a bit earlier last winter. But thats about all.
I've made two other system changes this month as well. I'm curious to try out some solid organic carbon dosing so I've switched out the maxijet pump on my phosban reactors for this mag 3.5. When the pellets arrive I'll swap out the GFO for them in one and continue to run carbon in the other. I also traded out the mag 9.5 for a mag 12 for the frag tanks return because I figured it could benefit from a little more flow. Ironically I don't really like mag pumps, but to a certain limit I can get them for free so I tend to use a lot of them.
This month I also had a lot of clam spawning... which put me a bit on edge but everything seems to have gone fine. I was able to photograph the derasa pushing out some white fluid for an hour but I didn't capture the maxima clams doing it. The derasa begun doing it just before lights out a few weeks ago and the maxima clams followed about a week later at around the same time. All are still alive and looking healthy today. I attribute these spawning events to the Neptune controller's seasonal temperature and lighting variations my tank follows.