Originally Posted by Greenmaster
Seen you update the same time every day... but you were early today
Looks like all the nitrate is gone after 3 days... not that great of a phosphate scrubber by the looks of it, did a little but not much... maybe it would have been better with more light... what was the size of your macro-algae ball? And I see the colors but what was the number for the nitrate for intro?
Traffic was a bit lighter today
Amazing that something so simple works so well, no messing with flow, anaerobic zones, advection, biodiversity etc. Not to say that I won't be trying other methods, but I may finally be able to start adding some corals to my tank soon.
I've turned on the maxijet connected to the tank to exchange water and start over. This time I've added a 13w compact fluorescent that I will run 24/7....lets see how it goes.
Current Setup
Difficult to get numbers from the API Nitrate test kit.
0-10ppm (shades of yellow)
20ppm (orange)
40-160+ (shades of red)
There still is that phosphate problem though?