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Old 07-07-2010, 06:46 PM
TheDogFather TheDogFather is offline
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Originally Posted by Ron99 View Post
I have looked at this paper but have not sat down to read it in detail (to much math for late night reading). Two things strike me though. They don't actually show the results of a full PAR measurement across their 40" x 20" x20" test tank unless the charts they have are mislabeled as they show distances in mm in the charts. Also, this is an internally produced document that seems to be designed more to justify not using optics rather then as an independent test of their fixture so I take it with a grain of salt.

So that's why I am looking forward to seeing real world PAR readings over a real aquarium
Yeah, it's a heavy read but it's more detail than I have seen from any other LED fixture maker so far.

I'll take PAR readings on Sunday and post them here.


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