OK, so the couple people that did come look at this set-up where "new' reefers, and I wasn't really confortable with selling it at the time. Now its summer once again and Im only home a couple days a year it is for sale once again. I am not in a panick to sell it so I wil not part out, ship, any of that good stuff. I do have a truck however so I will help the buyer move the whole thing. Over the winter and spring everything had been growing like crazy. there are a few changes however- a) there is no longer a yellow wrasse. b) the pentair UV sterilizer is working with all new parts now. c) there is now two large rbta. (there was one). d) all the bulbs where changed about a month ago. e) there is no longer a coralife UV sterilizer. f) there is a new magnum pump running the sterilizer and reactors. I would like to stress that this is a very self sufficiant setup and not alot of work needs to be done to maintain it, but it will still take someone with experience to look after it. thanks again
Wait... you just rode your $40000.00 bagger here and now your staying in a hotel? Ya that '79 shovelhead chop just BLEW by ya! ADIOS.