Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic
I think I would have built it the other way (39" wide and 30" tall) instead. I hate the feeling of wet armpits 
It is sweet that your wife & kids like the idea of a huge sw tank. My wife likes the hobby too (although for me its more of an obsession) and my 2 years old daughter loves fish & corals. She can already name many of the species in the tanks.
Looking forward to more progress reports.
Space was the biggest reason (Tank would have been way cheaper to go in some other dimension)... my wife didn't want me to go the whole 8' (she wanted to put plants on either side since it was where she had plants before I got the tank) Also we didn't want the tank protruding into the room. So up was my only option... I went as big as I could with the space I was aloud to fill. The second reason (didn't have as much weight) is fish tend to like to inhabit one of three "main" "zones" in the ocean. At the top closer to the surface in the middle around overhangs and such, and at the bottom in or on the sand. Most tanks tend to have only two "zones" top and bottom. I'm hoping that with my height I can get that third "zone" and enable me to have a more dense population in my tank.
I don't plan on diving in very much. I hope that my CUC will take care of most of the bottom of the tank... I also plan on making sure things are secure. One last plan is to have some sort of tongs
Originally Posted by Slick Fork
It makes a huge difference if the family is enthusiastic about it. I always gotta chuckle with my wife... when it's time to pick out corals or other inhabitants it's OUR tank! When it's time to do waterchanges or any other work it becomes MY tank 
HAHA... Ya my wife not so enthusiastic... it's more like the better of two evils... I was in a motorcycle accident and she said she didn't want me to get a new bike but I could spend the payout money on whatever I wanted... so we took a trip and I got the fish tank