This is where my tank is going to go

This is looking from the outside

This is some of the mess I made while making a foundation for the approximate 6000lbs that is going to sit in the bay window.

It took me about 8 hours to jack the addition up 1" put the 6"x6" beams in drop it back down (fell 1/2" so still 1/2" higher then before to allow for some sinking) mix 1 yard of concrete and pour it into a 1.5" by 10" hole. Now it's done and ***Edit*** I'm going to order my glass just waiting on a quote*** (couldn't get the glass had to get it custom made). I also got my 110g tank ready for pickup I found it in the "Buy and Sell" for $150 but I need to re-silicone it I think. More photos in 3-7 days