Thread: Toxic help
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Old 07-05-2010, 03:12 PM
DNoakes DNoakes is offline
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Default Toxic help

I am needing some help with my system. I am running 8-20 gal fowlr tanks, 100gal sump with lavarock and live rock and a coralife superskimmer220 needle wheel.

Two days ago I had an ammonia bloom. My ammonia level went from 0 to 7.5 overnight. My protine skimmer started skimming white milky substance no black goo like it normally does. I've done extensive water changes and checked for something dead and rotting but can't find anything. Every morning it is the same problem, super high ammonia levels. Final note is that this morning my skimmer won't even skim now it's just bubbling without skimming.

Does anyone out there know what is going on with my tanks? I myself think it is a sabbateur since it is also is affecting two other tanks which are on totally seperate and independent systems.

Any help would be appreciated.

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