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Old 07-05-2010, 02:49 AM
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viperfish viperfish is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Dawson Creek
Posts: 684
viperfish is on a distinguished road

Well I finally got the display to accept the firware update and everything seems to be working fine! The problem I was having before was it would hang at 30% complete and seem to stall, instead of fooling with it I just left it alone an went out for a bit, when I came home... voila! It was done. Finally the module is "OK" instead of "Old" and by the way the EB8 is working, that was the glitch. It may have been Windows 7, Internet Explorer security settings, who really knows. All that matters is (fingers crossed) it's fixed. A huge thanks for the help and comments, nice to know people are there to help! Take care all.
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