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Old 07-04-2010, 11:33 PM
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Originally Posted by ALang View Post
Question: I have bought a few pieces of Zoanthids. The polyps have been disappearing. After extensive looking and paying lots of frustrated glaces into the tank, I saw my 5" yellow-tail Indian Angel picking viciously at them! I've move the pieces around, trying to confuse the fish, and feeding him nori seaweed. Has anyone heard of angels developing a taste for the zoas?
As everyone posted they are angel food together with almost any other coral you buy.
If it is your intention to keep corals return the angel to the LFS (they should have told you they eat coral) and get a credit.

It is a good idea when you are a new hobbyist to ask questions here before you buy.
By doing so you avoid unnecessary fish and coral death and tank problems.
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