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Old 07-04-2010, 04:08 AM
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Myka Myka is offline
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Saskatoon, SK.
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Hey Doug, it's solved now? Well I'll be darned.

Usually "little" light won't solve any problems at all since it only weakens algae/bacteria instead of killing it where the point of a 72 hour complete blackout is to kill the algae/bacteria at which point it is often wise to suck up the released phosphate, nitrate, and DOCs with GFO and carbon, obviously preferably in reactors.

It's good to hear it was simple for you. Now, if you figure out a simple way to get rid of red and green bubble algae you let me know, ok? Puuuulease???!!! As I continue to battle these lovely algae I have started to really delve into the biology of algae; production, reproduction, photosynthesis, uptake of nutrients, as well as the nutrients that algae leach, and the effect that has on the reef's inhabitants. I know most people would find it quite borrrring, but I find it rather quite interesting (*note old english accent).
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

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