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Old 06-30-2010, 05:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Ron99 View Post
Android is okay but for an overall stable and easy user experience with well integrated features you need to go iPhone. I also would not want to have to worry about malicious apps. Apple checks and approves every app available to make sure they don't do anything they aren't supposed to. Google unfortunately lets anybody sell you whatever pp they want without any checking or security.
Well Ron we agree on most things but the above statements are not true. Before I address each I must predict that you have never used an Android phone and so your comment about stability and user experience is without warrant. If you have been an Android user what problems did you experience? What version? Remember the first iPhone OS?

Apple or Google simply cannot approve and check the hundreds of thousands of user submitted apps. Malicious iPhone apps? You betcha:

Any paid app in Google Market has to go through an application process that includes identity of the submitter, same as a bank check, thus a trail is available in case of complaint.

A jailbroken iPhone is super vulnerable to attack if the user does not bother to change root password and a quick survey of the iPhone users here with jailbroken iPhones do not know even what Root is.
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