BB 8830 world edition. Works well overseas on multiple network types. Phone itself is good, although the voice dialing is crap. Fairly durable with the exception of the track ball, although those are very cheap and easy to replace.
I do like the key board as typing emails is still much faster on a key board style phone then on a touch phone. Saying that, typing work emails when I'm supposed to be sleeping maybe isn't a good thing.
I will confess that when the iPhone 4 comes to Canada I will likely upgrade. There is no limit to the value of the cool factor of the iPhones and all the apps.
"BB are good for wasting time working"
"iPhones are good for wasting time playing"
Do survey next time your in an elevator downtown and everyone pulls out the phone. Those with iPhones are doing something cool and fun, those with BB are reading emails and spreadsheets.