I hate my BB 8230 ("Pearl Flip"). Piece of junk. Too long a shopping list of complaints but the basic gyst is it's buggy, and even when it's not having issues, it's cumbersome to use.
Get this: Although in my case the problem is an actual glitch, a common complaint is that the call log only shows missed calls, and not placed calls or received calls. The problem is that there is a setting, call log shows: "1) all calls 2) missed calls and 3) no calls." Somehow they magically get set on missed calls. Ok, whatever. But if you want your call log to show all calls, you have to select "NONE" because what they really mean is "no calls get redirected to your message log (and thus not your call log). OH YEAH, REAL INTUITIVE. Seriously, who writes software like that? .. In my case it's not a setting, it doesn't matter what it's set at, it never shows anything except missed calls. I've been looking into what it takes to fix it but I think it's coming down to "I need to bring this phone in", it's getting to the category of being beyond DIY to correct.
If you're OK with spending the coin on an unlocked phone, and not sure about an iPhone, look into google's Nexus One phone.
I might go iPhone if I can find an affordable way to upgrade into it from this current phone.