Ultimately I don't think iPhone support is the be all and end all. Of course controller choice depends on the user.
You're not away from home for more than 6-8 hours a day but someone (like myself) may be away for up to 2 weeks at a time. Some places have limited internet access to being able to check tank specs through your phone would obviously be advantageous. Also if you're away for business you may not have time to hook up your laptop and connect to the internet and may be far more convenient to whip out your phone and check things out. When you're busy and only have a few minutes to spare this would work best.
As for water changes. You could theoretically setup an Apex to do water changes as well (remotely). Just more time and effort, more pumps and float switches..etc...
Ultimately it comes down to the user's lifestyle and needs.
As for warranty.. does the warranty and support for the Apex pale in comparison to other units?
Originally Posted by JPotter
Do people actualy use the iphone support to better manage their tanks or is really just a toy?
I am not certain I would use that feature when I am rarely away from the house more than 6-8 hours at a time. Do the others have web access to monitor/control the tank as if you have a web browser on your phone could you not just manage it from the browser? When I am away I usually have internet access.
I am most interested in a system being reliable for longer than the waranty period, easy to set up and review with good graphing and be able to work it from a computer not just a tiny LCD screen.
I must admit that when my controller is up and running I don't need to do much except water changes..and that I couldn't do from my iphone 