Originally Posted by reefwars
Anything change in your temp or lighting I was having heat problems and mixed with my lights and house temp and was getting same thing , I cut my halides back slightly and got a cooler temp going and it's helped, good luck on your battle 
Temps are fine. My halide was ok before, although I do wonder about it at times. I have cut back on lighting already.
Originally Posted by Lance
Doug, I don't think you've done enough water changes. Try a few more. JK
Seriously though, if it's not nutrients then try less light for fewer hours. It certainly can't hurt. Any other types of micro algae showing up?
No other algae Lance, just this rapid film growth. I may cut the lights a bit more. Trying to run them enough for the lobo and chalice I have left.
Originally Posted by naesco
If your RO/DI readings are zero and your water parameters are within range the problem you are likely having is some sort of bacterial aggregation.
Begin at the beginning.
Stop the Chemi-cure, go back to normal water changes, normal filter changes and leave the glass alone.
Things are likely to go to hell for a few days and than settle down.
Sounds like a good theory Wayne. Its Chemi-Pure, which is just a carbon/resin. The Elite version is suppose to have gfo also, which is why I use it in my tank. Use to be a good product but this is the first I have run the elite version. Doubt its causing any problems.