My tank is a 46 gal bowfront tank. 17lbs of LR slowly getting more as i can afford it. A fluval 303 canister filter, Psk100 Protein Skimmer. 24" Led white/blue lighting and 20 moonlight Leds, waiting to buy more leds once i sell some stuff on ebay

. I am woundering what you guys think about these lights for next buy: the c90
I also have a powerhead on the way should be here in a couple weeks as well.
As my hawkfish is getting abit chubby and could use some current for some exercise....
For fish i have:
1-Dwarf Lion Fish
1-Lawnmower Blenny
1-yellowhead sleeper gobby
7- Snails ( i dont know the two kinds i have the cone shaped shell and the spiky shell

11- reef hermit crabs (had 14 but they keep taken eachothers shells, there are alot of shells in the tank but they always like the ones that the other hermits are in....