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Old 06-25-2010, 07:15 PM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
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I've had to use the legal threat method before and it works wonders. Not only will they take s*** from the land owners if you file for a lien but they take additional heat as they, I am assuming, are putting this through as under-the-table work'; which means they haven't done the taxes for it, paid WCB dues, insurances, etc (my best friend runs a landscaping business so I know how "fly-by-night" they really are). He probably is too poor to pay you but that doesn't make it right to not pay you. Put the squeeze on him and you'd be surprised where money can come from.

If threats fail, small claims is a great option and is really easy, just make sure you have all your ducks in a row before pulling the trigger on that one (talk to the owners, neighbours and so on).
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