Because it is typically unorthodox growing it in the tank. Its like... growing a spruce tree in the middle of your flowerbed? Kind of odd?
The mangrove is just in there to take excess nutrients out (which they do a good job of)... so it doesnt matter where it goes but most people dont want a tree growing in their reef particularly not one that will grow out the top of the tank! Haha).
It is my understanding that you can just cut the leaf sets off... but dont quote me on it. Im ready to let mine grow out of the planted fuge quite a ways though.... they still have to make it to the water's surface (they are planted in the sand/mud bed in my fuge).
No more tanks  - Laying off the ReefCrack for awhile!
Last edited by Funky_Fish14; 06-25-2010 at 07:29 AM.