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Old 06-25-2010, 12:50 AM
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Seamazter Seamazter is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
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Posts: 330
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After the fact and that pictures do say volumes.
I would be disappointed as well being either the buyer or seller.

The seller has no colony and the buyer wants a little under half his money back.
The buyer tho didn't get the count he was expecting, whether this was due to shipping or some other unforeseen problem from sender to buyer.

I still as the seller wouldn't refund you 100$ but as the buyer you should see all this is nothing that could be controlled, why should he suffer when you have the colony.
Id consider selling a couple frags to get your 100$ you want back.
only to remove 10 polyps could net you your full buying price.
Im sure you would have a line of pms if you decide to do just that.
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“When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car.” ”