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Old 06-24-2010, 07:33 PM
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Steve-O- Steve-O- is offline
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Default Nuclear green Paly Die Off rate

I just sent my paly colny off by greyhound i dropped it off around 10am from PG wasn't suppose to leave till 4pm my time. to richmond meaning he would have picked them up the next day in the afternoon.

Anyways had around 100 heads on it now there claiming to be 65 heads. My question is would the shipping affect the coral that long in a bag for survival rate of the small heads and large ones?

Just trying to find a answer to this problem is all.
((i know i know never ship greyhound because they screwup and stuff dies)) was what the buyer wanted

Last edited by Steve-O-; 06-24-2010 at 07:35 PM.