Lately ive been reading up some more on Pom Pom crabs and im pretty sure I want one still.
Does anyone know how many I can have in a 20 Tall? Ive read alot about them being pretty aggressive to each other when theirs to many.
If I has a paired set of pom poms would I be able to house both of them in the 20 Tall?
I wouldn't mind if he held zoas instead of both his anemones, but I was wondering how do the zoas he hold survive if hes nocturnal?
(Many accounts of them picking up small zoas, aptasia, or corals in replacement of missing anemones.)
If he still has the anemones will they hurt the zoas or anything in my tank? Theirs a lot of random information floating around saying "With Caution" in reefs and others saying "Reef Safe".