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Old 06-23-2010, 09:44 PM
trinac trinac is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Calgary
Posts: 121
trinac is on a distinguished road

The cucumber is neat I agree, but no you can't have it Leah... haha jk

I plan on moving a couple of the corals to the bigger tank and a couple of the fish. As the frags grow, I'll move them to the bigger tank, and if some look like they'd do better under metal halides they'll go to the big tank too. The 30g will let me grow up the various frags I purchase so they look slightly nicer than pegs when they go into the 90! I still want a mix of LPS and SPS in the 90.

Looking like it'll be filled up this evening and everything turned on!!

I almost forgot to mention, all of my fish are in quarantine right now. I skipped a crucial stage and put a fish in that looked great... ahh, well the quarantine tank is in use now with cupramine and all of the fish are doing fine. Except the blenny, who succumbed to ich quite quickly. Poor guy. The rest barely show signs, but a couple have a few spots.


Last edited by trinac; 06-23-2010 at 09:47 PM.
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