I will have 5 patio tables available and lots of deck/camp chairs. If you are selling and have a small table, you're welcome to bring it along.
Freshwater & saltwater enthusiasts are welcome to this event. Bring your families if you want. This will be a great chance for you to prove to your spouses that NO you are not so crazy, here's somone crazier about fish & corals. I have 8 tanks to view (from a 3 gallon cherry shrimp tank to a 210g mixed reef) for almost 750g total volume.
My wife Irene will be making some Malaysian food (probably some spicy noodle soup dish & maybe curry chicken on coconut milk rice) as well as bbqing up some weiners & smokies if anybody wants to buy an inexpensive lunch on-site instead of taking off for McDs. Pop & juice will also be available.
Start time is 11am & we'll run it till 4:30pm or whatever time everyone leaves.
This Sunday morning.
Anthony, Irene & Felicia