So we know what brought you
into reefing, and what could kick your butt and
out of reefing, those are the easy parts. What about all that hard work, effort and time in between? What is it that drives you and keeps you motivated to, "just keep on swimming" ?
For me, it is a combination of things, but boils down to two. 1. The ability to come home from work after a long day and just plunk myself in front of the tank and gaze. Watching the anemone sway and fish dart through the rock work. Finding that Pom Pom crab that I hadn't seen for over a month. Seeing that frag grow another branch. That alone is worth all the sweat and tears.
2. I actually enjoy the thrill of the hunt. Going to fish stores or seeing other tanks and looking for that specimen that I don't have and striving to obtain it one day..