Thread: Brutal Sunday
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Old 06-22-2010, 08:12 AM
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hockey nut hockey nut is offline
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hockey nut is on a distinguished road

I have a blue assessor and a six line with no probs.

Just a tip. When I buy my zoas frags etc I add a few drops of Flatworm Exit to the bag the zoas are in. mix it up and let stand for 10-15 minutes and any nudi,flatworms,fire worms,small bugs ,snails ....ok basically anything is done for, but without any effect to the zoas at all. Give it a rinse with some aquarium water and your done. As for eggs I find using a soft tooth brush takes the egg sacks off the zoa in one swoop of the brush.

I have switched to this method of nudi removal as I have lost too many colonies to freshwater dipping. It works well but I find it stresses the zoas out in my experience anyway. If you are going to fresh water dip make sure you buffer the water as well.

I bent My Wookie
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