nudi's suck!! I'm fighting them off right now, I removed all zoa's/ paly's from my display, dipped them in revive and went thru each and every polyp looking for eggs. Revive wipes out the nudi's but nothing i've found touches the eggs. Be very tedious with inspecting each piece over and over, its hard to spot all the eggs.
I also added a 6line wrasse to the dt hoping he'd pick away at them, Its been 3 weeks now and everything looks happy but nothings going back into the display till i know theres no chance of eggs that where on rocks or anywhere have had a chance to hatch and starve out.
sucks but i'm staying determined.
Seeing your from calgary I call guess where you got the without asking as I'm 99% sure mine came from the same place!! Either way, lessoned learned!! Always dip new pieces from anyone!!!