Thread: Brutal Sunday
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Old 06-21-2010, 08:25 PM
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Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic View Post
I would get some more water ready for additional water changes, but test again before you do it.

For nudibranches and flatworms, I've tried freshwater dips (same temp.) and watched them float off. I dip the rocks with the pests on them and they reacted by letting go of the rock while in the fw and I just quickly swished the rock back and forth. Don't know if this technique will work for you, but it did for me. I dechlorinated the fw dipping water first and made sure temp was similar to the tank water. A few seconds in fw should not adversely affect the live rock or zoas.

I may try this when I get home today. Good news is most of my colonies are on two rocks, bad news is there are a few other things on the one rock that may not like the bath.

I have two smaller gbta's on one side of said rock as well as a xenia(sp). Would these be affected? Need be I can attempt to remove the anemones but I never tried relocating a xenia?
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