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Old 06-21-2010, 05:31 PM
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Yes well, that's common sense to wash your hands before you put them in your mouth after handling any coral, not just zoanthids. This can still happen if one is not carefull and toutch the gloves he or she used and then put the hands in the mouth.

I am not saying it's not dangerous but it's not very dangerous and very low risk. You will not die from just plainly handling zoanthids or other coral but you might if you eat it or drink the water from fragging, so keep your children AWAY from this when you frag but I will not put gloves.

There are some much more dangerous things in our aquarium than zoanthids, like the vibrio bacteria, the fish tuberculose and many other bacterias that could be potentially harmfull, yet those occurences are extremely rare.

Originally Posted by whatcaneyedo View Post
Being cautious around what we do not fully understand is not what I would consider hysteria. How many people in this hobby do you figure can accurately identify what is a zoanthus and what is a palythora? The vast majority of people that I've encountered just call everything zoos. Anthony Calfo poisoned himself on more than one occasion after handling some kind of zoanthidea and then directly or indirectly touching his mouth.
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