Thanks for the suggestions everyone, and someone has pm'd me with some salt hooray!!
And now to address this piece of work...
Originally Posted by Kryptic4L
not to be a jerk, but if you can't fork up for a bucket of salt... your in the wrong hobby. This is the backbone of any system, sure once and awhile someone may get rid of a bucket from time to time on the cheap because it isnt panning out with their system, and by all means pick that up if the perticular salt works for you...
#1 I think being a jerk comes rather naturally to you
#2 Its my business if I want to capitalize on getting cheap salt while a bunch of people are tearing down their tanks
#3 People sell a bazillion other items on here worth far less so whats so offensive to you about me wanting to get SALT?!
#4 Maybe you are in the wrong forum, but I'll stay in this hobby, thanks.
#5 Do you have any salt?
I also shop at Costco to save my pennies, got a problem with that, bra?
Rant end. lol Just as I was thinking canreef has been boring the last few days...