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Old 06-18-2010, 03:56 PM
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kien kien is offline
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Originally Posted by BlueWorldAquatic View Post
It's not the small LFS that are the concern. I refuse to sell a lot at my store to people if they don't have the proper setup.

Its like 20 questions when I get a new customer in, they almost feel like I'm stalking them somethimes.
It is for this reason that I certainly do not envy fish stores. It must be very difficult to walk that fine line between running a profitable business while at the same time telling a lot of people that they can't buy something in your store.

I'm sure you get tonnes of wide eye people into the store that just want to jump right into it because they saw one of your awesome display tanks, or a friends tank, or Finding Nemo. They want this and that and ooo, look, a Moorish Idol, I saw that on Finding Nemo! (as my son would say), want it! These are the people that you want because they are eager, excited and interested, but unfortunately, you have to dash their hopes and crush their dreams by telling them that they have to spend 3 weeks to a month first cycling their tank, then adding a clean up crew, then some damsels, then maybe some clowns and other small fish and that's it, they are done. Or you have to have the other tough conversation with them about getting a larger tank than they originally had planned which means larger skimmer, lights, $$$$$$$.. Ouch! Just so that they can keep that one tang that they saw from Finding Nemo. You want to keep them interested and excited, yet teach them and start them off on the right foot. Ya, a tough business.
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