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Old 06-18-2010, 02:20 PM
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Default wet/dry recommendations...

I just got my 110 gal glass bowfront in. I need a new wet/dry filter and skimmer for it.I have only 30in length to work with.I would want an in sump skimmer for it. any recommendations? I was looking at a Berliner WD-125 Wet/Dry Filter
but the size of this leaves me with no extra space underneath but thats ok, but what skimmer?

also was looking at the megflow sump filter model 3 (up to 110 gal)also but not sure of a skimmer that will fit that.I would like model 4 since it goes up to 240 gal but i cant fit it so I would be at max. with model 3 but i guess thats ok. I hope you have some wise help for me.
I have on my 75gal tank that i am replacing , an amiricle really old sump and an old stand alone emperor aquatics series 6-1. Both would be at max on 110gal. and could not fit sump and skimmer under new tank.
thank you
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