Day 7 params, a little movement in the numbers.
NO3 (Elos) - between 0.0 and 1.0ppm
NO3 (Pinpoint) - 2.0 ppm (I should have tested with Pinpoint last week for a better basis of comparison but I got lazy - it takes 10-20 minutes of fiddling with the unit to get a steady reading whereas only 3 minutes with a chemical based test kit)..
PO4 (D-D) - 0.03 P
Cyano patch is still there for now. But overall the tank does have a slightly brighter, happier look to it. Hard to describe objectively, but it's stuff like "I swear that coral and that anemone are open bigger than they were a little while ago."
Expensive day for test kits though. Ol' butterfingers dropped the tubes from the D-D test kit shattering one of them into tiny little bits. Which sucks because it's a nonstandard size and it was a, ahem, somewhat more expensive than average test kit at, I think, it was around $80 from J&L.

I don't see it listed there anymore (nor anywhere else that I checked, except for out of the country vendors) so I'm a little bummed. Gonna post to see if anyone has an old test kit they don't mind scavenging the test tube from so I can continue testing for PO4 as I go along here.
Originally Posted by Delphinus
So day 1 params -
NO3 (Elos) - 1.0ppm
PO4 (D-D) - 0.06 P