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Old 06-16-2010, 05:26 AM
Coleus Coleus is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Calgary NW
Posts: 1,179
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:-) Comparing US vs Canada price is wrong and then bashing LFS in your first thread instead introducing yourself or ask which store is best to shop is also does not go well here.

We do this as a hobby while LFS need to make money to operate a business. In the end, i think demand/supply rule applies, the LFS has to price it right to survive, price it wrong and they won't last. (Except for some expensive store that must has a super customer service )

WE NEED LFS and Calgarians are lucky to have some great LFS with fair price.

Btw, if we are doing group order from US that work out very cheaper, I AM IN.
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